Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A Runaway HIT-Man...

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Georgia Rules...Mr. Fix It... :::snores:::

It was just lacking, you know?
I'm a Garry Marshall fan, but I'm used to watching movies he's done that were along the Pretty Woman caliber, ya know what I'm saying?
It was sweet. It was charming. It was funny. It was...well, okay, there was drama inserted in Pretty Woman as well as The Princess Diary movies, but those movies were just moving at a steady pace -- I didn't get to the point where I just want one scene to end so quickly because I was already bored with it!
I am not completely thrashing this movie. There were quite a few and memorable lines that I wish I'd be able to use in the very near future, but honestly, I felt like the movie was three hours long!!!! (it was only two hours, I believe, or not even).
Aaaahhhh Angel...er, Seeley Booth...err, David Boreanaz...
HE is one hunka-piece--a-meat that I wouldn't mind watching for three hours or more! But sadly, this (IMO) straight-t0-DVD movie of his was a bore. -pouts-
The plot was interesting. Typical, yes, but interesting nevertheless as far as I was concerned. And while browsing Blockbuster last night I was in the mood for some chick flick, ya know? And Mr. Fix It sounded like a good romantic-comedy movie.
* W * R * O * N * G * ! * ! * ! * ! *
I've only seen like the first 5 minutes of it and I already reached for the STOP button and put in a different DVD in the player.
It was that cheesy watching the first few minutes. It was ridiculous how the director showed exactly what kinda Casanova David's character was, and how he pines to race his old race car clunker and yadi yadi yada.
I'd settle for Georgia Rules any time over Mr. Fix It!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

But seeing them together in this movie...OK, I have to admit there was this one scene with Bruce Willis in it; he went in to this office where Halle's character was busy setting up stuff and he was dressed down in jeans and a casual top and...man, did he ever look hot in that scene! -LoL- Not bad for a man pushing 50, eh? Or he is in his fifties already?!
Anyway, other than that "highlight" of the movie, IMO, the rest of it was just a DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG. I swear it was so slow-paced no wonder it tanked at the box office! And according to one of the peeps I watched it with, if it hadn't been for the big names tacked on as stars of this poor excuse for a psycho-thriller movie, it wouldn't have been picked up and shown in theaters! It was that bad. I mean, half the time I spent it lost and confused as to what the hell was happening, but when it all finally made sense to me...well, let's just say that it was a waste of my two hours.
Good thing I saw it for free. No, wait, my sis-in-law ordered it on PPV. -LoL- But paying $5+tax as opposed to $13 at the theater, it was aight.