For those of you who've been to one too many weddings and always end up as part of the entourage, you'll empathize with Jane (Katherine Heigl).
At a very early age she realized that helping others during the most important milestone of their life was her gift. She was the perfect Maid of Honor/Bridesmaid/Wedding Planner. And not only that, Jane had a habit of not being able to say "No" even if she really, really wanted to.
She was that kinda really nice girl, ya know? She's a pleaser. Some might call her a pushover. But really, she just wants to help out and see others happy because, hey, she's a romantic at heart and even though she knew she'd never walk down the aisle after all the entourage had gone, at least she made the bride happy; but deep down inside, that romantic in her wished and hoped for her moment to shine and see the face of the man she was to marry looking at her all besotted and crazy in love with her.
Now ain’t that every girl’s fantasy? To see the man of their dreams waiting for them at the end of the aisle as their mother and father walk down the aisle with them to be given away to the man she’d be promising her ever after to?
The movie started off with Jane being fitted for a wedding gown, but turns out she was standing-in for the actual bride who was freaking out because her gown needed some last-minute alteration. Fastforward to the actual ceremony and we see Jane sneaking a peak at her wristwatch. This is also when we'll see Kevin (James Marsden) noticing this peculiar behavior from one of the bridesmaids; she looked like she couldn’t' wait to get outta there.
Anyway, I won't be spoiling the rest of the movie for you. All I can say is even though it was predictable who will end up with who in the end (because really, a movie like this rarely ends up with the heroine being with the man she's been madly in love with since the beginning of the film!), the twist concerning Jane's sister Tess and her boss, George, sure was wrapped up nicely. I was highly miffed at Tess and the way she took advantage of everything to get things her way, but the lesson Jane taught her baby sister, no matter how juvenile and below-the-belt sorta, was understood loud and clear.
I think that gave Tess a wake-up call in the end and made her a better person.
Overall this movie was a GREAT chick-flick-date-movie! Girls you'd love it and the Benny and the Jetts scene was just awesome. James and Katherine had chemistry, especially when Jane had to parade around her apartment in her 27 bridesmaids dresses for Kevin's entertainment.
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