With the release of her third book revolving around her star-crossed lovers Bella and Edward last week, talented author Stephenie Meyer's riding high on the fame her wonderful story brought her.

The book was told in first person POV (Bella's), but we were given enough insight in to the lives of the other characters interacting with her heroine. The dialogue was brilliant and befits the age-group of the characters.
The story was fast-paced and the way she brought the climactic turning point in the lives of our star-crossed lovers was nicely written.
This book kept me glued to it from start to finish -- and when it was over I was thankful that I bought the second book soon after so I wouldn't miss finding out what happened to Edward and Bella's lives after their first brush with danger.
New Moon is the second story that picked up after Prom Night in the previous book. This one we saw less of Edward, BUT Ms. Meyer made sure to keep his presence alive even though Bella and he weren't interacting with one another.
In this book we saw Bella's friendship with Jacob Black blossom and how he helped her overcome her grief of losing Edward in a sense. But, like Edward, Jacob's really not who he seems to be -- and Bella's put in yet another predicament.
I kinda staggered a bit in reading this, but maybe that had to do with my having to work a lot and get ready for my upcoming vacation. Nevertheless, once I put my 100% attention to reading this book I was sucked right into the world and town of Forks, WA where Bella chose to remain and readers will also note the change in her and Charlie's relationship. They're still not as close as Bella and Renee, but there's a scene in the book that showed readers exactly how much Charlie cares for Bella and how, in his own way, he tried to support her while at the same time he was losing his mind trying to figure out exactly what to do in order to reach out to his daughter. Also him not liking Edward was justified from a paternal POV of course.
I just bought Eclipse and I'll be reading it on our trip. But based on the snippet of chapter 1 that I read after finishing New Moon, I can't wait to find out what happens to Bella and Edward. Will they have that happily ever after? Will Bella become a true part of the Cullens' family? Will Bella and Jacob ever be friends again? So many questions, and the answers lies in the third novel, which I am about to star reading -- soon, even though I am dying from anticipation here. -LoL-